Scopri gli altri nostri servizi di consulenza alberghiera personalizzabili e modulabili in base ad ogni esigenza.



Deciding on your positioning is a complex process, so it's essential to analyze your market, customer base and competition.

We gather information about who your guests are, what they are looking for and what characteristics they have in common, we study your competitors and their offerings.

Your existence in the marketplace, in fact, must be motivated. What do you offer that is different from others? What are your strengths? What is your mission? Why would a customer buy from you rather than the nearby hotel?

Answering these questions is the first step toward building a defined and clearly communicable identity: your brand.

We help you to identify your target customers and understand how they are segmented in your market, as well as to update your offer and identify the type of communication best suited to your business.

Your customer, in fact, must be able to perceive your advantage over others, your value and your uniqueness. That's why communication is essential, but it must be targeted. "He who sells to everyone sells to no one."

Aware of this, we help you position yourself and build a winning strategy, capable of adapting to the evolution of the market and your target, allowing your business to remain competitive and aware of its value.


We take care of the positioning of your hotel through the analysis of the market, competitors and your web reputation. We help you to create a coordinated image of your structure.




We analyze the tourism market, specifically your target audience and competitors, evaluate your structure and identify ad hoc business strategies.

We support you in the most delicate phases, such as the choice of suppliers and the selection of personnel, and we support you in the choice and set-up phase of the PMS.

We identify and analyze the competitive environment, we define the sales strategy of your rooms and services (pricing, up-selling, cross-selling).

We help you in building your Brand, and in setting up communication and marketing, both online and offline.


You know how important it is to get off on the right foot. That's why we support you throughout the initial stages of your business.




Very often, hotel companies do not budget and set goals. It goes without saying that without a specific objective and proper planning, it will be impossible for a company to monitor its overall economic performance, compare it with its history and make a realistic forecast.

We then support you in the drafting of your annual budget, identifying realistic goals to be achieved, controllable and verifiable.

This is a good way to ensure that your firm's staff are motivated. If you provide your service managers with a target to achieve, they will feel more involved and motivated to sell and improve performance, and will pass this attitude on to the rest of the team.


If you don't know where to go, you'll never get there. We support you in writing your annual budget, identifying realistic, controllable and verifiable goals.




Choosing the staff of a hotel is the most delicate but also the most important phase. We all know that the hotel business is primarily made up of people, in fact, the staff is the real added value of a structure.

The right people make the difference but it's not easy to identify professionals who have the appropriate skills of empathy, problem solving, communication, reliability and many others.

In addition to the individual profile, it is important to consider that the team working in a hotel must be close-knit and the individual resources must therefore have characteristics that leave no room for improvisation or errors.

Hiring the right people is critical because it lays the foundation for a successful hotel that is memorable for customers and performs well for the hotelier.

The purpose of staff appraisal is to increase organizational effectiveness and efficiency, measure the degree to which goals are achieved, and most importantly, to enhance the human capital of your company.

The assessment of skills and performance, therefore, is a task that cannot be improvised: it requires the adoption of a structured, regular and systematic procedure.

Through evaluation forms and one-on-one interviews, we help you compose an optimal staff evaluation process, defining roles and positions, competencies and performance indicators, and evaluate your staff on various aspects, such as professional skills and personal qualities relevant to the role and execution of assigned tasks, results achieved, quality of work, commitment and overall behavior.

The correct assessment of the resources present in the company is a fundamental tool to increase the sense of responsibility of the staff and the commitment to improve performance.


A motivated staff is a fundamental factor for the success of your business. We select the best profiles for you, and through direct interviews with the staff we analyze problems and unexpressed potential of the team, in order to create a high-performance and peaceful working environment. 



With our temporary management service we support you in the management of crisis situations, but also during any changes in the growth and development of the company.

Specifically, we deal with the development of new products, services or lines of business, the operational supervision of departments, personnel management, marketing and public relations, as well as the management of generational changeovers or the need to initiate a path of corporate management, and we support you in stages of arrested growth, management crisis, corporate reorganization, financial stress or decline in performance compared to competitors.

In all these cases, the intervention of an external manager, with a different vision from that of someone who has been immersed in the company's situation for some time, proves to be the only solution for initiating and managing the change necessary to return to growth.

Depending on your needs, our temporary management service can last a few months or be a medium to long-term project.

In both cases our aim is to make your structure autonomous in the management of all processes, maintaining over time the results obtained and bringing the company to grow in a sustained and sustainable way.


Affidati alla nostra gestione in-house per periodi di tempo che definiremo insieme. Per te numerosi vantaggi
1.Risparmio di tempo e abbattimento dei costi fissi.
2.Accrescimento delle competenze del tuo staff
3.Riduzione delle criticità operative.
4. Sviluppo di nuovi business e definizione di standard operativi perseguibili nel tempo.



Thanks to its analysis, the Mystery Guest identifies the strengths and weaknesses of a business, offers a careful and meticulous evaluation of it, putting itself in the shoes of a demanding average customer.

Specifically, as a Mystery Guest, we evaluate the service offered (quantity and quality of the same), the ability of the staff to solve problems and the adequacy of the structure to general standards. We intercept, then prevent, any disservices, problems or complaints from customers, in order to improve services and experiential offerings.

The analysis of the health of the service offered in your hotel will allow you to lay the groundwork to recognize weaknesses and build targeted improvement strategies.


Living the hotel on a daily basis, you often lose sight of its critical issues and strengths. Through incognito visits we are able to give you an objective and truthful analysis of your reality, aimed at improving service standards for possible LQA inspections.

